we want our products to suit you: the right models, the right cut, the right technical characteristics. and to be fair, we prefer to design the collection with you. so, before and during each development, we invite you to help us create the products you wear. whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist, whether you ride twice a day or a year, you've come to the right place!

this is how we co-create your products

our co-creation process is done in 7 steps and you can put your grain of salt at the step of your choice!

1. collection plan

between a road rain jacket, a long-sleeved gravel jersey, a pair of mittens or very warm shorts, what do you prioritize?

2. product questionnaires

the characteristics that count: technicality, comfort, practicality, etc... everything goes with the inseparable bias of designing the most virtuous products possible

3. focus groups

we propose to volunteers to join us to dig into certain aspects and consider certain options in order to allow us to adapt the specifications that we pass on to stylists and model makers

4. prototypes

back to our drawing boards and sewing machines to produce the v1 of the products with the aim of getting as close as possible to the expectations you have expressed

5. testing

nothing replaces the conditions of use, so we systematically organize product tests once the prototypes are ready, the opportunity to make the final adjustments and validate (or not) certain initial choices

6. styles

the time has come to decide on the style (colors, materials, accessories, etc.)

product development takes time, so it is not forbidden to think that between the idea and its realization, tastes have evolved!

7. material purchases

we order the fabrics and accessories from our suppliers and make the final decisions based on delivery times.

if we can avoid delivering a short-sleeved jersey in December because THE reflective tape we wanted was not available...

blog posts

les bénéfices d'utiliser des tissus en chaine & trame pour vos vêtements cyclistes

les bénéfices d'utiliser des tissus en chaine & trame pour vos vêtements cyclistes

pourquoi choisir un tissu chaîne et trame pour vos vêtements cyclistes ? quand il s'agit...
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recyclé, le faux du vrai

recyclé, le faux du vrai

le recyclé s’invite dans nos tiroirs et la communication de toutes les marques, comment lire...
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earthbeat • newsletter avril 2023

earthbeat • newsletter april 2023

april, you are already there almost a third of the year escaped and with it...
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Boris, l'homme sourire qui voulait aller en Norvège à vélo
bike packing

Boris, the smiling man who wanted to cycle to Norway

Boris was on the move, the desire to go cycling alone, to add a touch...
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